Saturday, February 22, 2020

PDA-Professional Development Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PDA-Professional Development Plan - Assignment Example In my work experience, I have noted that I am poor in engaging employees mainly because I prefer doing things for myself and therefore, I fail to adequately delegate work to employees. According to Chalofsky (1998), poor engagement of employees will demoralize them, as they will feel they do not play a critical role in the organization and many of them will easily opt out of the organization if they get another opportunity elsewhere. In order to be an effective human resource manager, I will need to work on this weakness by fast mastering to trust others and then ensure that I take up a supervisory role after delegating work. The resources that I will use include guidebooks and video tutorials on achieving employee engagement and proper delegation of work. I can easily achieve this goal within a period of three months and practice at home by ensuring I delegate house chores and keep everyone engaged in managing the household. Zull (2002) would argue that I am individualistic since I am not able to transfer my skills and knowledge to others. However, for me to be a good leader I must ensure that I can training others and empower them with skills and knowledge for them to become better employees. With continued globalization, every major organization is shaping up to be a multicultural organization and therefore, future leaders must have the ability to manage a workforce that is made up of employees from diverse cultures. In order to acquire knowledge in managing employees from different cultures I will first need to understand different cultures and I can easily do this by reading books concerning other cultures. Additionally, I will have to interact with many people from different cultures in order to understand perfectly how to manage a diverse workforce. Therefore, I can only be able to achieve this goal after the

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Economics of Ram Trucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Economics of Ram Trucks - Essay Example It has developed and grown over time. It has membership eighteen thousand members. This organization has sixty-eight branches. It is headquarter is in Birmingham, and it covers an area of three thousand square foot. In addition is has a library that has over seventy-five thousand photos of trucks, and nine hundred trucking books. It has also ten thousand sales vouchers and videos featuring trucks in the show room. History of the RAM truck The first man to build a mobile Truck is Gotttlieb Daimler. This German invented a truck which used a horse power engine and a belt drive. This belt drive had both forward and reverse speeds. This pioneer is the one who invented the first taxi and motorcycle in the year 1897. Ernest Holmes contributed immensely to the development and growth of this industry of RAM trucks. He helped in the retrieving of a colleague’s car in the year 1913. This was done through the use of a chain, a puller and three poles. RAM truck was formed in 2009. Its form ation was an upgrade of Dodge trucks. The objective of this company was to deal with serious truck customers. Its brand was also established after the parent company formed an alliance with Fiat Company. This alliance led to the use of the Ram brand in selling pick-ups and heavy duty trucks. This took effect in 2010. The current state of the trucking industry The truck industry is pivotal in the economic growth and development of any nation. This is because the transport sector plays a core function in the transport of various goods and services to various destinations for business purpose. For instance, the truck industry enabled the government to earn one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars of revenue in a single year. This revenue was obtained from a total of sixty five thousand truck companies.. Thousands of employees employed in theses companies ensured that necessary tasks were accomplished in order to obtain the returns. This boost on the economy increased the GDP of the nation which in turn led to the provision of social amenities to the society. This increased the living standards of the locals. Furthermore, the truck industry enhanced the refurbishment of the infrastructure hence improving the movement of goods and services within the society. Technocrats were also employed to ensure that traffic rules were adhered to in order to avert accidents which could be committed by errant truck drivers. This owes to the fact that the regulation of the speed leads to efficiency in fuel consumption. The only malpractice which persists is the high level of driver turnover. His leads to disruption of transport services and business transactions. There is lack of communication between the truck drivers and their bosses. This led to inconveniences and strikes within the industry. Furthermore, the drivers of the trucks are paid their salaries based on the miles covered. The law pertaining to the road use applies equally to all people. Therefore, the truck drive rs should not infringe on the rights of the pedestrians. The drivers, who are within the truck industry make informed decisions with regard to their driving career. For instance, they ensure that their various are up-to-date. The industry has initiated various programmes that have inculcated skills upon the drivers. This has boosted the professionalism in the truck and transport industries. In fact, this is manifest in the performance of